
  • Wicaksono Dwi Pamungkas
  • Nina Setiyawati Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana


Kata Kunci:

pelayanan publik, SAMSAT, pajak kendaraan bermotor


Public services are services, both in the form of public goods and public services which are the responsibility and are carried out by the government in an effort to meet the needs of the community and in accordance with statutory provisions. One of the public services provided by the government is the One-Stop Administration System (SAMSAT). According to SAMSAT data in the city of Magelang, data on motorized vehicle ownership has increased and there has been an increase in the number of taxpayers. However, the tax payment service is considered to be less than optimal because there are still long queues when paying taxes.This also causes many people to make payments past the due date or entrust queues to brokerage services. Therefore, to overcome the problem, a mobile-based application (GO-PAJAK) was built which can be used to make tax payments by means of a vehicle document pick-up to pay motor vehicle taxes connected between drivers (SAMSAT employees) and customers (taxpayers). With this application, it is expected to improve service standards at the SAMSAT office and reduce taxpayer queues also reduce the use of brokers in administering public service administration that can increase public trust.



Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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