

  • Jordy Mayseleste Fakultas Teknologi dan Desain, Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Bunda Mulia
  • Johanes Fernandes Andry Fakultas Teknologi dan Desain, Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Bunda Mulia


Kata Kunci:

Freight Forwarding Service, Information System, Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF


In the current era the need for information technology or information systems becomes an important thing in all aspects of life. The need for fast, relevant and reliable information is first and foremost for users of information technology, including for companies. Therefore, supporting information technology or information systems that are needed in the era of automation is now needed in developing information systems and the development of world technology that requires everything fast and precise. Information system support to the company's needs can only be answered by taking into account supporting factors in its development. Freight Forwarding Service Company is a business enterprise engaged in land transportation services. To improve the quality and service, therefore we need an information system that can help in the business process of the JPB. One of the factors driving the need for information systems is because of the increasingly needed needs and business activities carried out. Enterprise Architecture is used to determine the architecture in support of business processes and plans in a company to achieve business goals. This study uses the TOGAF method that starts from the Preliminary, Requirement Management, Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, Technology Architecture, Opportunities and Solutions and Migration Planning. The expectation of this research is about a discussion of the TOGAF model that is saved by the business processes and needs of the JPB in meeting the Enterprise Architecture.


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