Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pakaian Pada Cv Nonninth Inc Berbasis Online


  • Agus Irawan Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Mey Risa Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Muhammad Ayyasy Muttaqien Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Adam Elyas Shinnay Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin


Kata Kunci:

Penjualan Online, Sistem Informasi, Pieces, DBMS, SDLC, Implementasi Program


Online sales techniques are the choice of most people today both in the city and in the region. The shift in the way transactions is triggered by the ever-growing digital communication and IT tools. On the other hand the sellers want to utilize the technology optimally, of course, to be reinforced by established sales database systems. Good sales information system is not enough to build a transaction-buying system, but it is necessary to handle stock stock subsystems and financial reports as well as the existence of company profile information as an attraction to prospective customers.

In increasing the sales turnover and structuring of the CV Nonninth administration system requires a robust system to brand their products more well-known while strengthening their sales database system. Sales system design at CV Nonninth inc is built based on (1) piece analysis, (2) system design stage and (3) system implementation into online based application program. Pieces analysis is done by taking into account performance, information, economic, control, efficiency, and service qualitative factors in current and future conditions. System design is done through the Context Diagram, Flowmap, Data Flow Diagram, Table Normalization, ERD, database structure, input and output design and program menu structure. As for the system implementation process using online based programs are Adobe Dreamwaver and Mysql. It is expected that this system can help CV Nonninth improve corporate performance both turnover and administration system


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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