Rancangan Model Sistem Informasi Bimbingan Konseling Berbasis IPLP-Q Bagi Siswa SMA


  • Abdul Rozaq Politeknik Negeri Banjarmsin
  • Fuad Sholihin Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Raden Kelik Hardinto Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin



Kata Kunci:

Sistem Informasi, BK, IPLP-Q


Guidance and counseling is a support service for students both individually and in groups, to be able to independently and develop optimally in the areas of personal life development, social life, learning ability, and career planning, through various types of support services and activities, based on the norms applicable. In high school education institutions (SMA) provided a teacher guidance and counseling (BK) as a counselor of students and parents in the development of children in school.

This study aims to produce a design of Information Systems Guidance Counseling based Intrumentation Service Mapping and Potential Qur'an (IPLP-Q) for High School Students are expected to help teachers BK to serve students and girls in the development of identity.

In the development of this system will apply the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology, whose activities consist of analysis, design, and implementation. Which aims to model Guidance Counseling Instrumentation Mapping Service And Potential Qur'An For High School students really in accordance with the needs, so that all activities of the process of counseling guidance services can run effectively and efficiently.


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